Tuesday, May 14, 2013

they call me mommy and I love it

I am beyond thankful to have these girls as my daughters.  They are just perfect for me!
And this guy makes being a Mommy easy!

I hope that my girls look at me the way I look at this gorgeous lady.  She is truely my bestfriend.

Excuse me....BUT I was here first I do beleive ?!?!?!

My gorgeous neice ;)
I was one lucky lady on Mothers Day...I hope all you lil mamas had a wonderful day too!! :)

So at this point....

Im leaving it in the past....there is no way I can feel you in for the past 3 months....so I will just start fresh....BUT I will give a bullet point summary of the highlights for the past 3 months

Miss Mattison turned 3
My Mimi turned 81 and we took a trip to Florida
We went snowboarding in North Carolina
I went to Las Vegas
Baylee had foot surgery
Baylee, Matt and I got baptized
I found out I am going to be a "neu" aunt to a "neu" lil boy
Matt and I are both playing softball

There are been so many things happening that I know I am leaving a ton out and I am so sorry!  But it is a fresh start so watch out.

Friday, February 1, 2013

ahhh.....30.......(good thing that is my husband and not me....hehe)

Wow I can not believe Matthew is 30.....seems like yesterday we went on our first date and he had just turned 22...not even a week before we met...(but thats another post)... So I emailed him 1st thing this morning to tell him this ....

30 things i love about him even when he is 30

1. You are a rockin' husband
2. So are so stinkin' handsome....
3.You are a hard sweatin' worker
4.You are in love with 3 girls at the same time !!! ahh we are so lucky!
5.You are a picture perfect daddy
6.You love my family (Or do a perfect job pretending...hehe) 7.You are so smart.
8.You love reading and learning more
9.You have so much energy....Not sure how you do that
10.You are not selfish
11.You are ALWAYS supportive of me
12.You make me smile
13.You are a Handy-dandy man
14.You pretty nice to snuggle with ;-)
15.You are a best friend a girl could ask for
16.You are an experimental cook.....love trying new things
17.You are athletic...love your muscles
18.You laugh a lot when you watch tv
19.You get the kiddos off every morning.....so glad that's you ;)
20.You trust me with all your heart
21.You will always be older than me ...hehe
22.You love ice cream
23. You are always up for a good trip somewhere
24. You don't mind if a tornado came through the house
25. you always listen to me...even if you don't agree
26. I love your brown eyes
27. You don't judge people
28. You put the girls and I first
29. You love me for me.
30. You believe in God and love our new church!!!

can't wait to do this a 60.....bet those will be some good things!

So these are just a few old pictures that I love....I could seriously put a millon or two up =)...Sorry no recent ones on my computer right now ;(

Baylee Elizabeth.....

So now that you are officially 11....it Wows me. I am so thankful that God choose me to be your mommy. It has by far been one of the best parts of my life. I love our growing relationship. You make me smile everyday. I know that we may be entering a few hard years soon but I am determined to keep you as close as I can! I am so proud of the little lady you are becoming! Never give up and always do your best.....and at the end of the day I am your number one fan!! love you to the moon and back pumpkin.

here is a lil about this past year

You are in the 5th grade and love all your teachers....of course
you love playing basketball and you are on an AAU team
you are playing softball and loving it....2nd baseman
you can be sweet as pie to your sister and be a lil meanie at the same time...sibling love
you have beats.....woohoo
you are dancing 3 classes....jazz, hiphop and tap
you are part of a performing dance team and perform at local school games
you had a boyfriend this year....you also went through your 1st breakup
we have been to florida this past year
we went to California this past year
you went deep sea fishing
you went to almost every UT football games...Thanks uncle ricky and aunt stephanie
Been to a lady vols basketball game
you went to 4-H and I am pretty sure that will never happen again...homesick ;(
you hosted your 1st pumplin paintin party ;)
you dressed up as a zombie for halloween...
we made our 1st ugly sweaters.....for the whole family

these are just a few quick things that has happened this year! I am crazy in love with you and i count my blessing everyday. Happy happy 11 th Birthday! Thank you for loving your mommy as much as I love you!!!

dallas baby

my BIG surprise for my wonderful husband was a trip to Dallas, TX to see the Cowboys play the Eagles. I surprised him with the whole trip....you see he turns 30 in feb and I wanted to do something that we had never done. (Ive tried surprise parties two years in a row and between Baylee and Craig......well they weren't surprise parties anymore hehe!!)He has been a cowboys fan since he was itty bitty:) it was a blast! the stadium was amazing and the weather was fabulous!

Friday, November 30, 2012

true lil tennessee fan

Baylee loves going to the football games and actually loves watching the game ;-)...She has gotten to meet some of the players and a lot of the families.  The last game of the season Tyler Bray came over and gave her a hug.  She was on top of the world.  The game before she got to go into the room where the family meets up with the players after the game and meet CP and Justin Hunter.  She is an out going gal and meets LOTS of people to do neat things! Thank you Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Ricky for saving her a seat! 

updating one at a time ;-)

Have ya ever had so much to say that it brings you to a loss of words...well me neither...but I gotta lot to say. Especially when its been oh 5 weeks or so since I have posted ;-(...Hey..... a life with 2 kiddos gets busy and crazy and I.LOVE.IT!! And I also don't even know where to start. So I will give a brief Melton update in a few different post and ...post some pictures which is what most people look at anyways and say my good byes BUT I will log back in on Tuesday because I gotta little surprise for the hubby this weekend and it will be blog worthy ;-)

We went to Florida for a week. Thanksgiving week. I have never been away from tennessee for thanksgiving. We missed alot of family but we were with some family that we dont get to see that often. I loved spending Thanksgiving with my Mimi and Pop. They are two very special people that I do not get to see enough. we spent 2 days at Clearwater beach (and yes...we went and saw Winter the dolphin)...Clearwater is a gorgeous place. If you haven't been you should check it out. My brother, Ray and Katrina and Mr. Cooper Vance joined us. It was so nice to see Cooper for 5 days straight! I miss him now ;-(... But we got back in time to go to the Melton's Thanksgiving poker gathering and I got to see Mr. Colton and Miss Reese whom I missed very much! And we started visiting a new church before we left and we missed it so we got back in time for it Sunday ;-)

and once again I dont have this picture organization thing down....SORRY but enjoy ;-)