Tuesday, January 10, 2012

im a lil behind.......and ill tell ya why....


we have had lots of family and friends time since before Christmas.  and while i might not need to be making up excuses......i think that is an EXCELLENT excuse! love our friends and family ;-)


Santa came to our house
i officially have a 10 year old
New Years with friends
Dinners with family
Matthew off work for 1 WHOLE week....while I was at work ;(
Baylee playing on 2 (not 1) basketball teams
cards, dancing and fires with friends
trying (REALLY TRYING) to coupon...takes much more patience then being a mommy of 2.  I never knew it was so hard to save a dollar or 25cents in my case.  But I am willing to learn....so if anyone has advice please let me know;-)

Well I got lots of pictures of some of these events and I will post and chat about them very soon.

i hope 2012 is treating you well...as for me it has been great so far
**i see a "neu" baby in my future**