Thursday, September 22, 2011


I love this picture of Mattison....I will post more pictures from Chicago but I don't have them with me so I thought I'd go ahead and share this one though

Sister Talks start Early ;-)

My Girl.........

is growing UP!!!!  It's funny how it was just yesterday these "older" people told me that time flies....yea, yea, yea...well those "older" people were right.

My baby girl is in 4th grade now and loving every minute of being 9 years old....
it is an adjustment between the boyfriends, ball, dance and homework*

*Words highlighted in blue are new to us this year and let me tell you it goes from cute to "Oh my...she talks about him everyday;-)"  It is just one more sign that she is getting big!

BUT I love this age...if you met Baylee she is a crazy, fun girl...with a one of a kind personality. 
She has never met a stranger.  Very Extremely competitive.(gets this from Matthew) Loves to sing, dance, talk. Pickiest eater I have ever met. LOVES to LAUGH! Picks on her lil sister more than I ever imagined she would ;-) All and all......she is MY GIRL!!!
Anyways I just wanted to tell her how proud I am of her and I am loving every second of this beautiful chaos of a life we live!  I asked her the other day if she would ALWAYS be my baby...she said yes....I said please sign this contract so that when you are 16 I can show it to you!!!  Love you pumpkin!!!